There are many non-medical issues that can make people feel stressed, isolated or unwell. Community Connect is a service supporting local people to improve their health and wellbeing by connecting them with activities, support and services in the community.
They can help you to find support for issues outside of the usual care that your GP or nurse may be able to provide. They will talk through any problems that you are having and what is key to your wellbeing, then help you to find activities and services that may make a difference to your life and offer support to to access them.
What they can connect you to:
- Education and learning opportunities
- Healthy living, physical or outdoor activities
- Socialising, counselling and support groups
- Arts, music or cultural gatherings
- Employment skills, volunteering or self-improvement
If you are over 18 and registered with a Bexley GP then you can access the Community Connect service.
Make a self-referral